Here is what you need to know about a Root Canal Treatment
This treatment consists of the dentist drilling a hole through the chewing surface of your tooth to reach the nerve inside the tooth which is referred to as the pulp. The pulp extends down the tooth’s root and must be removed so that infection can be cured or prevented. Thin metal wires are inserted into the tooth down to the base of the root canal and the pulp is extracted. This prevents it from getting irritated in the future and causing pain which can result from an infection, chewing or sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks.
Once the pulp is removed, most dentists will fill the canals with a rubbery gel, effectively sealing it off. This step will prevent bacteria from making it back into the cavity and causing future problems for the patient. The chewing surface is then replaced with a temporary filling which remains for at least two weeks before a permanent filling or a crown is placed.
The whole process will take anywhere from 1-2 hours depending on the tooth and number of canals. Most patients will stay numb for 2-4 hours after the procedure. Your dentist may advise you to take ibuprofen before the numbing wears off so that the soreness does not become too bothersome. While the nerve from the inside of the tooth has been removed, the nerves on the outside of the tooth remain; this keeps the tooth alive. This is the reason you will experience some soreness for several days afterwards and probably want to avoid chewing directly on the tooth during this time. You will also likely be advised to refrain from eating anything hard if you accidentally bit down on something hard, the tooth in question could actually crack since it hasn’t been permanently repaired yet.
The most exciting fact is that it is not a painful excruciating experience as it could have been in years past. When the anesthetic is applied correctly and in the appropriate dosage, you do not feel a thing. So if your dentist tells you need one, don’t panic. In all likelihood, the procedure will go smoothly.·Hopefully having an idea of a root canal treatment will ease some of your anxiety.