A denture is a removable appliance that replaces missing teeth and surrounding tissue. In the past dentures usually fit poorly. They were bulky and often painful. Today’s technology has brought remarkable improvement. Innovations in dentistry combined with modern light-weight materials mean current dentures are not only comfortable, they closely resemble natural teeth.
- Complete or full dentures are for those patients who have lost all of their teeth on either or both of the arches. These take some time to get used to as their adjustment depends on a number of factors like the oral cavity muscles, saliva, bone tongue. ·
- Removable or partial dentures are used to correct gaps when only a few of the teeth are missing. These dentures are fastened to the natural teeth using metal attachments. Partial dentures help in maintaining tooth alignment by preventing the other natural teeth from shifting out of position..There are different kinds of removable dentures – Acrylic, cast metal, etc. to name a few.
- Immediate dentures as the name suggests are placed at once, right after the patient gets his tooth extraction done. Adjustments are done once the healing process has completed. Millions of people lack some or all of their teeth. Resulting problems aren’t limited to poor appearance. Missing teeth make it difficult to chew food or even to speak. Muscles lose elasticity and the face begins to sag. The simple smile is a primary way to engage with others that may become impossible. No one should suffer this way today.
- If you’re missing teeth for any reason, come and see us at GLOJAS. The dentist will evaluate you for dentures. Other options for replacing missing teeth are Dental Bridges or Dental Implants. Many patients say they wish they’d taken this step earlier. They couldn’t believe they waited so long and relished their newfound confidence and comfort.
The process of getting dentures generally takes place over a few weeks. At the beginning, your mouth is studied and measured through means of models or impressions, in order to ensure pinpoint accuracy. At the next visits shape and color will be carefully assessed. Finally your dentist precisely adjusts and places the complete denture. The dentist will take time to ensure the dentures look natural and feel comfortable. You may experience temporary soreness, increased saliva flow, and difficulty swallowing or speaking. These sensations will subside as your muscles and tissues rapidly acclimate to the new dentures.
Did you know dentures should be replaced every 3-5 years? The gums and ridges of your mouth change over time. Dentures, on the other hand, stay the same. For that reason wearing the same dentures over the course causes ridges to shrink. Unfortunately, some of these changes in the mouth and gums will be irreversible, making it that much more difficult to create dentures that fit well in the future. That’s why it’s important to have an ongoing relationship with a dentist like at GLOJAS who can ensure your dentures are properly adjusted and keep you healthy.