Ears, like other body parts, come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Protruding ears are ears that stick out from the side of the head. While most people don’t notice other people’s features as much as you’d think, some people are extremely self-conscious about their appearance, including the size and shape of their ears.
Protruding ears usually occur because the fold on the outside of a baby’s ear did not develop normally before birth. Doctors are unsure why this occurs, but it could be related to the baby’s position in the womb. If the ear presses against the womb’s side, the blood supply is cut off, and the ear may not form normally. Protruding ears can sometimes run in families.

The vast majority of ear deformities are inherited. (present from birth). The following are the most common causes of protruding ears:
- Concha excess and antihelical fold loss both contribute to the appearance of the ears
- Your ear is shaped like the letter C on the outside. The letter Y can be seen inside the letter C. The antihelix is located at the bottom of the Y
- The bowl-shaped part of the ear that pushes your ear away from your head
If a baby has prominent ears before the age of three months, ear moulds can be taped to the baby’s ears. When used at a young enough age, these moulds will reshape the baby’s ears without requiring surgery. This treatment typically takes six to eight weeks and three to four visits.
If you’re bothered by how far your ears stick out from your head, an Otoplasty procedure might be a good option. Surgical techniques are used to create or increase the antihelical fold and to reduce enlarged conchal cartilage in protruding ears. Otoplasty incisions are typically made on the back of the ear. When incisions on the front of the ear are required, they are made within its folds to conceal them. Internal, non-removable sutures are used to shape and secure the newly formed cartilage.
Protruding ears can damage one’s self-esteem. Glojas offers a free consultation to help you better understand how an Otoplasty procedure works, and if it’s the right solution for you. Schedule an appointment with us today.
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your challenges.