There are skincare hacks roaming around the internet, promising naturally glowing skin in seconds. The internet isn’t always a reliable source especially when it comes to skincare advice. While there’s no harm in watching these videos, you should not believe everything you see. Be cautious when attempting a skincare hack because it can be extremely damaging to your skin. Avoid these popular skincare hacks. Here are some unusual beauty and skincare hacks you should avoid trying at home, at all costs.

Cooking Oils As Moisturizers
While it’s true that natural fats found in oils help coat, soothe, and hydrate the skin, Glojas advises you not to slather your face in the same oil you roast your vegetables in, please and thank you.
Toothpaste As Acne Ointment
Applying toothpaste to pimples is not only disgusting, but it is also harmful to your skin. Toothpaste is not made and is not suitable for use on the skin. They are far too abrasive to be used on your skin. It will upset your skin’s pH balance, causing additional irritation.
Lemon Juice Lightener
It’s difficult to find a skincare hack that doesn’t contain lemon juice these days. Numerous “beauty experts” support and promote the use of lemon juice in a variety of DIY remedies, ranging from masks to face washes. However, the reality may not be as straightforward as it appears. Lemon is acidic and can change the pH of your skin, destroying the barrier and promoting inflammation, irritation, and even scarring. Furthermore, when lemon juice comes into contact with UV light, it is known to cause a chemical reaction that can result in hyperpigmentation.
Skincare hacks aren’t all bad; once in a while, you’ll come across one that works almost magically for you and becomes an essential part of your skincare routine. However, numerous misguided trends find their way into our skincare routine daily, leaving us worse off than they found us. As a result, it is critical to thoroughly understand the ingredients in any DIY remedies and to perform a patch test before applying any homemade concoctions.
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.