It’s no surprise that as we age, our skin loses elasticity and begins to sag and our buttocks get their fair share as well. Even while beauty standards differ from society to society, when it comes to the contour of the butt, everyone agrees: full, round, and raised is considered the “perfect” bum.
Having a flat or very large butt is an aesthetic issue that many women face, especially while wearing a skirt or trousers. If the buttocks are smaller than the body dimensions, or if the muscles are not fully developed, the buttocks take on a flat form.

A butt lift is an enhancement procedure that uses implants or fat injection to increase the size and shape of the buttocks. Fat transfer procedure involves taking the extracted fats from the patient by liposuction and strategically injects it back into the bum. While implants can be an alternative option for those who do not have enough fat in their body. Butt implants are implanted beneath the butt muscles in this treatment.
Glojas’ highly skilled surgeons will work with you to determine your candidacy for a butt lift, ensuring that it is safe for you and that you can expect the results you desire. And you’ll be relieved to know that the procedure will be painless. You may most likely feel some little discomfort such as soreness or bruising for the next 48 hours while your skin and cells adjust to your new body form.
The butt lift is minimally invasive, and there is no need to prepare for prominent scars. Surgical risks are reduced, and recovery times are shorter than for many other cosmetic surgery operations.
Butt lift surgery is a quick and easy approach to alter your body to meet your ideal features. You can discover more by speaking with Glojas experts, make an appointment by calling or simply visit our clinic today.
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.