First of all, root canal treatment is recommended for patients to alleviate their dental pain. Many people fear to undergo root canal treatment, thinking that it may cause them pain, discomfort, and other challenges. We at GLOJAS Dental believe that root canal treatment is the most misunderstood dental procedure. When performed under expert supervision, it can restore your teeth appearance, help fight bacteria, and offer a long-lasting healthy smile.
When you visit your dental clinic for routine check-ups, your doctor might have recommended root canal treatment. Not everyone takes this suggestion seriously until they experience pain and discomfort due to tooth decay, tooth loss or gum disease. A long time ago, the only solution for an infected tooth was tooth extraction. The infected tooth was removed completely. Surely it wasn’t an ideal solution, as the missing tooth disrupts the natural bone structure of our jawadditional restorative treatments were the only solution back then to fill in the gaps of missing tooth.
The procedures were painful due to the lack of medical equipment and alternatives such as numbing cream and anesthesia. Moreover, the treatment results were not long-lasting, and patients had to go through severe pain while sitting on the dentist chair, eating, chewing, or even while speaking.
Thanks to the medical advancements and its constant improvements which has made root canal treatment a painless, quick, and inexpensive dental procedure. With root canal treatment, patients can improve their dental aesthetics, treat infections, and prevent any oral disease. Above all, there is no need for additional restorative treatments to back-up the effects of the root canal.
The sole purpose of recommending a root canal is to save your teeth from decay and damage. The soft tissue containing the tiny blood vessels and nerves in your gums (also known as the pulp) becomes infected or damaged, over time. A root canal treatment includes removing the damaged pulp and protecting the natural teeth from decay. The entire procedure will be performed by an endodontist, a dentist who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of the dental pulp.
In case the patient feels pain or a sensitive tooth followed by the treatment, your doctor will recommend over-the-counter medicines such as ibuprofen or aspirin to ease the pain. Nevertheless, there are minimal chances of experiencing pain, as the doctor performs the entire procedure under local anesthesia.
Once your teeth are treated, take good care of it while brushing, flossing, and chewing. Root canal treatment is the only solution to protect and preserve the natural structure of your teeth. Before the infection spreads to the mouth, book your appointment with GLOJAS Dental and get the most-effective and painless root canal treatment.
To learn more about our dental treatments and surgeries, we invite you to book an appointment, and our expert dental team shall examine your oral health to offer best-suited treatment that can preserve your smile for many more years.