Being self-conscious about the way we look is very real. It’s hard these days to feel satisfied with our bodies. So what more can you do to make yourself feel better mentally as it’s holding you back from a lot? The answer to that question is: Arm Lift surgery. An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure where excess sagging skin that droops downward and localised pockets of fat in the upper arm region is reduced. Aside from that, the method also tightens and smoothes the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm.

You might think you’re wasting your time and money for going through Arm Lift surgery, but in reality fluctuations in weight, growing older and heredity can cause your upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance. This is a condition that cannot be corrected through exercise.
Arm lift surgery may be right option for you if the underside of your upper arms are sagging or appear loose and full due to excess skin and fat. If you’re ever having doubts, consult with Glojas today and we will run through the options with you!
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.