More people are considering to get Mole Removal surgery, and it’s not just because of skin cancer fears. So what causes some people to be self-conscious about their moles? The average person has between 30 and 40 moles. Some people have as many as 600. Nonetheless, these “blemishes” have been a problem for a lot of people, and it’s understandable for someone to feel insecure about it.
Getting your moles removed will instantly improve your personal comfort. If you have moles in prominent places on your face, nose, hands, or wrists, you may receive unwelcome stares or uncomfortable comments. If you prefer to make a good first impression without making an obvious effort to hide your mole, mole removal is an option worth considering.

If you’re up for a Mole Removal surgery, you can have it easily removed by our surgeons over at Glojas. A pain-numbing injection is usually administered before “freezing off” the mole in question. This procedure is usually quite safe, leaving only a small, slightly scarred area. Consult with us today to determine your options.
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.