How cute the toothless smile!! It is a priceless expression for any parent to see their infant smiling. Those tiny teeth may be temporary, but they are no less important to take care of them.Baby teeth hygiene is not only important for their oral health but also for overall health and development. Primary teeth are hidden behind the jaws at birth and only start growing up and actually appear when the baby ages between 6 months to 1 year. Most of the toddlers have their fully developed primary teeth by the age of 3. However, it is different for different kids, but the first teeth to come are on the top and bottom front of their mouth.Your little honey will experience some difficulties when their first teeth come. Here are some symptoms and tips on how to take care of them.
Babies feel uncomfortable at the time of teething. They behave fussier than usual because of soreness and swelling in the gums. The symptoms are shown 3 to 5 days before teeth appear and vanish as soon as the tooth breaks through the skin. Some lucky champs do not get affected by these symptoms and happily pass through the state. They may try to bite their fingers or toys to get relief from the pressure and itchiness in their month. So, keep soft toys around them at this time and do not place any sharp objects. Drooling is common for the kids, but excessive is another symptom for baby teething.
Babies generally have sore or tender gums. Rubbing the gums with your finger or with a small, cool spoon or using a wet gauze pad can be soothing for them. Give them a clean teething ring to chew on. After all it is the parents responsibility to soothe their babies teeth.Clean your baby’s mouth after every feed. Wipe the gum with a soft wet cloth or a baby wipe using your finger. Do not use any toothpaste yet, washing with water will do the work. Parents should cut their nails to the deep so that they don’t hurt the baby in any way.Teeth should be taken good care of right after they come. As said above, many parents are least bothered about baby teeth and think that they are not important. But they should understand the fact that milky teeth preserve the space for permanent teeth and support the child to talk and chew. Improper care can lead to gum infection called gingivitis.
Never leave your child with a bottle of milk for long periods of time. They cause cavities. Most mothers put their babies to sleep with a bottle in the month, even if they are not drinking but just for comfort. It causes discoloration, minor pitting and even tooth decay in your baby’s mouth.For regular babies oral health, schedule a dental exam. If it is taken the best possible care in the beginning, good dental habits will be established in the long run. Such care is available at GLOJAS Dental by the experts in dental medical science. Talk to the dentists to know more Tips which can be helpful now or later to your baby.