Ultimate Guide To Beard Transplant Procedure
For many men, growing a beard is more complicated than avoiding razors and letting nature take its course. Stubble does not always grow evenly on the face, resulting in patchy facial hair rather than a fashionable beard. Beard creates the illusion of a slimmer, more sculpted face by emphasizing the cheekbones and defining the jawline.
If you inherit genes that make any type of beard growth practically impossible, a beard transplant is something to consider. However, all your woes can be addressed with a beard transplant. A beard transplant involves the extraction from one part of the body and placed in small incisions on the chin, cheeks, or neck. The procedure, like all hair transplants, involves using your own hair to stimulate new hair growth.
Beard transplant is quick, easy and mostly painless. The procedure is typically completed in one session, though they may require two or three depending on the amount of hair grafted onto the face. Each session can last anywhere from two to twelve hours, with the majority lasting less than eight.
Glojas provides numerous options for safe and natural hair restoration. Our SMART FUE stands out among the different beard thickening procedures. This method is distinguished primarily by the accurate extraction of individual hair follicles from the back of the head. This treatment is solely point-based, with a low risk of scarring at the location of material collection. FUE hair transplant procedures are performed under local anaesthesia, so there is little to no pain or discomfort.
The popularity of beard transplant surgery has significantly increased over the years. So why should you undergo beard transplant surgery? If you’re looking for a denser or more voluminous beard, moustache, sideburns, or goatee, a beard transplant procedure is the perfect solution for you.
Whether you’re interested in beard transplant surgery for medical reasons, or are just looking to enhance your appearance, Glojas is here to help. Give us a call today to book for a free consultation!
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.