Is bigger better? Time to find out what suits you best
Breast Implants are silicone shells that are filled with silicone gel or saline (sterile salt water) that are surgically implanted into your breasts. Implants are far more complicated than you may think, and there are numerous options.
Implant size is something you must consider when getting breast surgery. Therefore, how big is too big? A patient’s height, chest width, and other factors are used to determine the appropriate implant size. Breast Implants should not be chosen solely on the basis of bra size. The size of a breast implant is measured in cubic centimeters, or CCs. Typical implant sizes range from 80cc to 800 CCs, the higher the number, the larger the implant. When a patient chooses implants larger than 400 CC, the implants may show through the skin, making the implants appear awkward. A patient needs to understand that a friend’s breast implant may look great on them; but it does not mean that it will look the same on you.
Implants are excellent for filling out a bra, but using an implant that is too large can be dangerous. The weight of large implants can stretch the skin around the breasts, resulting in a saggy, droopy appearance. Oversized breasts can create an asymmetrical and disproportionate appearance by leaving too much gap space.
Women who have excessively large implants may experience chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain, as well as headaches and poor posture.
Yes, bigger is always better, but that is not always the case. In order to achieve the ideal results you want, it is always best to consult with Glojas to get the best advice and suggestions.
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.