Before we discuss how an areola reduction works, let’s find out what it is first.
Areola reduction surgery is a simple outpatient procedure that can reduce the size of one or both of your areolas. The excess pigmented skin is simply cut away, leaving a smaller and more appropriately shaped areola. If desired, the height of your nipples can also be reduced.

An areola reduction is similar to a circumareolar breast lift or donut mastopexy, but it removes less skin. The desired areola size, which is usually around 38mm, is marked, and the excess areola is excised. The skin is then brought together with minimal tension to reduce recurrent areola enlargement. Consider your skin’s quality, the size of your existing breasts, the degree of sagging, and the size of your nipple.
If you had a general anaesthetic, you may be drowsy immediately after your procedure. Your incisions may be painful, but pain medication will be provided.
The ideal candidate for an areola reduction is someone who wants to improve the appearance of their areola for cosmetic reasons. Areola reduction is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as those seeking correction for large nipples or nipple inversion.
Glojas provides each client with a free consultation with a board-certified doctor. There is no requirement to continue with treatment. The consultation allows you to discuss any concerns you have about your breasts and receive an unbiased professional opinion on what type of surgery can help you achieve the breasts you desire.
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.