Measuring Facial Perfection
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. While some may claim that the statement is accurate, others say that beauty may be assessed using a mathematical equation based on the Golden Ratio. Let’s have a look at what it is.

The Golden Ratio serves as a guide to restore balance and proportionality. Keep in mind that this method is not used as a measurement of facial beauty. It’s crucial to remember that the Golden Ratio enables aestheticians to restore your proportions to a more youthful ideal, which improves your attractiveness and rejuvenates ageing features. Since beauty is a subjective and man-made idea, the golden ratio of beauty is just a set of measurements. We can use it as a general reminder that the proportion of features influences our perceptions, and humans find visual balance easy on the eyes.
Skilled cosmetic surgeons have an aesthetic eye by nature, but some of them also include the Golden Ratio into their practice, utilising it as a tool to explain to patients who are unhappy with their face proportions how they might be restored to balance. The Golden Ratio suggests that people explore the following proportions:
- The distance between the top of the nose and the centre of the lips should be approximately 1.618 times the distance between the centre of the lips and the chin
- A visually balanced face is roughly 1.618 times wider than it is long
- The volume model ratio in the lips is 1:1.6. (the lower lip having slightly more volume than the upper lip)
- The distance from the hairline to the upper eyelid is traditionally 1.618 times the length from the top of the upper brow to the lower eyelid
- An ear’s length should be comparable to the length of the nose
- An eye’s width should be comparable to the distance between the eyes
While some people still use the Golden Ratio to judge physical beauty and the so-called “perfect face,” others believe in proper assessment and not just by using measurements. Glojas experts are experienced in various facial plastic surgery procedures and can provide the best advice suitable for your face. Consult with us today.
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.