“Don’t get Botox! The procedure is so painful you’d die!” said someone who did not understand the procedure
If you notice some wrinkles and crow’s feet on your face, now is probably a good time to get Botox. At first glance, Botox appears to be a fantastic and effective solution to fine lines and wrinkles. It can smooth out facial wrinkles before they get too deep, regardless of age.
In addition, it may have a positive impact on interpersonal relationships. Patients seeking Botox treatment frequently complain that they appear angry. If you don’t have deep crevices between your brows, your spouse, children, or coworkers may perceive you as more friendly, open, and approachable and respond accordingly. A sad or dissatisfied appearance can be improved by precisely injecting Botox into muscles that pull the corners of the mouth downward, creating a friendlier and happier appearance.
Now that statement is a bit of a stretch, because during a Botox treatment, most people feel little to no pain or discomfort. A topical anaesthetic is often used to numb the area before treatment, depending on the area being treated. Minimal amounts of Botox are injected into the appropriate areas using a thin needle. The number of injections required will vary according to the condition being treated. You will be able to resume your normal activities immediately following your appointment. The treatment usually begins to work within one to three days, and the effects can last for three months or longer depending on the condition.
So what’s Botox aftercare like? There are a few side effects to look out for, including allergic reactions, lingering headaches, dark circles under the eyes, and droopy eyelids.
To have a better understanding of how Botox works and the myriad things it can be used to address, the first step to successful treatment is to book an appointment with our experienced doctors here at Glojas!
Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.