It is said that the most attractive thing you can ever wear is a smile. It however does not feel so attractive to smile when you have stained chipped, worn out, misaligned teeth or have any other dental problem. There is no need to worry though as there are quite a number of ways to fix this at GLOJAS Dental. These include bonding, use of crowns and fixing dental veneers.
Porcelain veneers are particularly very good in making darker teeth appear whiter. Porcelain veneers can simply be defined as thin custom made shells with the shape and color of natural teeth used to cover the front part of the teeth. These types of veneers mimic the light reflecting element of natural teeth.
During your initial visit, your dentists will examine you and explain to you the options that you have. He is also obligated to disclose all that will be involved in the procedure and the limitations of the procedure to you before you make that non reversible decision. Your decision to have the veneer fixed must be informed as it is not reversible.
Half a millimeter of your enamel is usually removed after administration of a local anesthetic of your choice. This thickness is reflective of the thickness of the veneer that will be constructed for fitting. The dentist makes a model of the tooth or teeth impression and sends it to the laboratory for construction. Usually you have to go home and come back after two to three weeks to give the laboratory ample time for construction of the veneers.
Some people feel uneasy going home with trimmed enamel. Temporary veneers are usually used in such cases to make teeth appear uniform. These may feel rough and sometimes too big for your mouth but it is certainly your decision to make whether to have them fitted or not. Where only a small portion of enamel is removed, it is not absolutely necessary to have temporary veneers fitted. Where multiple teeth are trimmed in preparation for veneer fitting also, temporary veneers may not be required because they will probably appear uniform. One trimmed tooth may however appear strange and in such a case, insist on temporary porcelain veneer.
Bonding is the name of the process that follows after the dentist has received the veneer from the laboratory. You will first require to have your tooth or set of teeth cleaned, and etched in preparation for the veneer fitting. Etching is meant to make the surface of the teeth rough enough to provide strong bonding. The dentist should thereafter examine the fit of the veneers by placing it repeatedly onto your tooth and trimming it accordingly. Once the desired fit is achieved, the porcelain veneer is then cemented permanently onto your teeth using special cement.