Missing teeth never go missing from everyone’s sight. It creates a huge impact on our health and increases the risk of various health conditions such as periodontitis, gingivitis, weakened gums, and low immune system. Also, missing teeth can cause difficulty in eating and speaking clearly.
Dental implants and cosmetic dentures treatment are the solutions to restore your missing teeth and reclaim a fuller smile. The issue remains whether to choose a dental implant (a permanent fix) or cosmetic dentures treatment (removable teeth) as an effective treatment. We will weigh down the pros of choosing dental implants and dentures to help you make the right decision.
In simple words, dental implants are replacement tooth roots that provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable teeth that look like your natural teeth. Dental implants look similar to your natural teeth, as they are designed to fuse with the bones for a permanent fix. Implants cannot get removed from the teeth, and therefore, you can speak and laugh without worrying about the artificial teeth.
Dental implants permanently fix your missing tooth, which gives you the impression like your teeth were always there. Thus, it improves your self-esteem and your overall appearance. With dental implants, the nearby teeth are left intact, improving your overall oral health. Although the procedure is expensive, it offers great satisfaction to get an attractive smile. You may consider at least 6-9 months for complete treatment, from initial consultation to full restoration. It’s not suitable for everyone. Patients with severe health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease should first consult and then proceed with their decision.
Dentures are false, removable teeth, which can be partial or complete. The partial dentures consist of a plate replacing one or more teeth, whereas the complete dentures comprise two full arches or false upper and lower teeth. The dentures are removable, so you can eat, speak, and laugh with confidence. It provides support to your facial muscles, thus preventing your cheeks from drooping or sagging. The modern dentures look natural and have aesthetic appeal.
You can connect with our expert dentists at GLOJAS Dental for cosmetic dentures treatment. Our board-certified and skilled dentists shall evaluate your health condition and recommend the best-suited treatment to achieve a smile you always desired.