What are the Types of Dermal Filler?

Today world, everyone loves to look younger, but it is a sad fact of life that nobody retains their youthful features forever. But what if there is a way to stay looking young for longer? Here at GLOJAS Clinic, we provide a wide range of dermal filler treatment in Malaysia. We use only the highest quality dermal filler products available….

How to Prevent Wrinkles and Sagging skin?

Despite fillers’ popularity, there are still several questions about it, like what fillers are made of, does it stick under your skin forever, and where can you inject this stuff?  There are 4 major structural components of the face. These are skin, fat, muscles, and bone. As the years pass by, age-related bone loss in the face can lead to…

What to expect from BOTOX?

Botox You must have heard about Botox as it has been consistently used by Hollywood stars. Nowadays, This treatment is also becoming quite popular among the masses. You will hardly find a single actor/actress admitting that they had Botox treatment, but most of them who are above 40 years have surely gone through this anti-ageing procedure. Even many young TV/film…

How to Remove Acne Scars?

Majority of people have to deal with the acne problem at some point in their life. Scars left by acne make the situation worse. With development in the cosmetic surgery industry, there are various types of treatments available nowadays which can remove the scars permanently. Acne scars are like double trouble or punishment. First the pimples affect your beauty and…

Can I Get Rid of a Scar with a Laser?

If you have scars that bother you, don’t worry. With the innovation we have today, there are several ways to get rid of your scars. Some people opt to use creams while others choose surgery. Saying goodbye to your scars can be easy with laser treatment at GLOJAS. It has little to no downtime and provides immediate results too. While…

What is Acne?

Acne is a mortifying skin condition that impacts various people, paying little heed to what age they have. You have to treat acne in a starting period, considering the way that as time goes on acne becomes progressively extraordinary, discovered further inside the skin and harder to treat.  There are different treatments for different periods of acne. You should be…

Apa Itu Rawatan Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel adalah rawatan pemulihan semula kulit di mana larutan kimia digunakan pada kulit untuk membuang sel kulit mati dan pigmen (melanin) yang terkumpul dari permukaan kulit untuk mempercepatkan pembaharuan sel. Selain itu, rawatan ini membantu merangsang pertumbuhan semula kolagen untuk kulit yang lebih sihat. Rawatan chemical peel akan menjadikan kulit anda lebih licin, sihat dan lebih berseri. Pakar doktor…

Weird Skincare Hacks You Should Avoid At All Costs.

There are skincare hacks roaming around the internet, promising naturally glowing skin in seconds. The internet isn’t always a reliable source especially when it comes to skincare advice. While there’s no harm in watching these videos, you should not believe everything you see. Be cautious when attempting a skincare hack because it can be extremely damaging to your skin. Avoid…

Do You Have Melasma? This Is How You Know…

The sun’s ultraviolet light is the leading cause of premature ageing. Numerous people have been suffering from pigmentation for years and had tried multiple creams with no resolve.   Patients’ quality of life is severely impacted by chronic facial pigmentation. When the upper lip is affected, I frequently hear people say they are asked “why do they have a mustache”…