Rejuran: The No-Needle Anti-Aging Treatment To Erase Acne Scars

In today’s piece, we will be discussing the needleless anti-ageing treatment and how it has helped many people maintain their youthful appearance. While Rejuran is primarily marketed as an anti-ageing treatment, it is also an effective solution to a wide range of skin concerns, thus improving the overall state of your skin.   Rejuran can treat major skin issues such as…

My Skin Is Looking A Little Dull and Lifeless

Wrinkles, which are a natural part of the aging process, are most visible on sun-exposed skin, such as the face, neck, hands, and forearms. Although genetics play the most important role in skin structure and texture, sun exposure is a major cause of wrinkles, especially in people with fair skin.   Why should you obsess over your wrinkles and feel…

Apa Itu Rawatan Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel adalah rawatan pemulihan semula kulit di mana larutan kimia digunakan pada kulit untuk membuang sel kulit mati dan pigmen (melanin) yang terkumpul dari permukaan kulit untuk mempercepatkan pembaharuan sel. Selain itu, rawatan ini membantu merangsang pertumbuhan semula kolagen untuk kulit yang lebih sihat. Rawatan chemical peel akan menjadikan kulit anda lebih licin, sihat dan lebih berseri. Pakar doktor…

How to treat deep pimples?

Waking up with a massive pimple after sleeping with clear skin can be a nightmare. Acne is one of the most prevalent and noticeable skin conditions that affects 80% of people. Although it may come as whitehead or blackhead, it can also appear to be a red, swollen, and painful bump that develops in the skin, which is a severe…

Is PRP Beneficial After Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant surgery is often performed by removing healthy hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting the hairs to the recipient area. During the surgeon, a qualifier surgeon collects the hair grafts from the back and both sides. After the hair treatment, transplanted hair grafts are supposed to produce hairs in the new region with full strength and thickness….

Is PRP the Way to Prevent Baldness?

Severe genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness is a common scalp issue that will kill your hair forever. Experts say that male pattern baldness will affect the hairline, temporal region, and crown area to show a similar pattern in all the patients.  The progression of baldness can be prevented at an earlier stage with the help of an advanced…

Is PRP Beneficial for Hair loss?

Surely, PRP hair loss treatment is an effective treatment for most forms of hair loss. However, if you do not follow a healthy and supportive lifestyle, hair loss may come back. The final effects of PRP depend on the candidacy of the patients as well. All patients are different and their hair loss reasons are different as well. Thus, the…

How Can I Prevent Dark Circles Under Eyes?

You have probably researched how to say goodbye to dark circles and eye bags, and you would do almost anything to get rid of them. But, unfortunately, even after you have tried tons of expensive treatments, they just come back!  Dark circles under the eyes may look purple, blue, or dark brown — and you may be wondering if this…

Fine Line Under Eyes

Fine lines under eyes, for some, is good news as they love the happy, smiley look it gives them. But for a woman, it’s even worse than a nightmare. When the first line starts appearing, women start losing their sleep over it. These fine lines are the first sign of aging, and they make you look much older than you…