Injectable Treatments?

Top Injectable Treatments That Could Solve All Of Your Problems As we age, wrinkles and fine lines appear as a result of our skin’s progressive loss of firmness and elasticity. These obvious ageing symptoms can be upsetting for many people, which might damage their self-esteem and confidence. Injectable treatments have grown to be a fantastic substitute for surgery. Injectable treatments…

What to expect from botox?

Experiencing Your First Botox Treatment While it may seem like people are opting to get Botox at an early age, there is no right or wrong time to begin treatment. Our skin begins to lose suppleness as we get older, leading to fine lines and facial wrinkles. You’ll still lose volume in your face and acquire creases even with a…

What are the Treatments for Scars?

There are a variety of reasons why you may be dealing with scars. It may come from trauma or acne but whatever its cause, it does not mean that you have to live the rest of your life with them. With the recent development in science and dermatology, you can say goodbye to your concealer for good. When you injure…

What Can Cause Acne Breakouts?

Acne is one of the skin conditions that most people can relate to. Probably the majority have dealt with acne at some point in their life, and it isn’t charming. Acne is a term that is commonly used for pimples or zits that occurs when oil, bacteria, or dead skin cells clog hair follicles. People with oily skin may be…

What can make Acne worse?

Acne is quite prevalent skin disorder among teenagers. Usually Acne develops in skin areas where sebaceous glands are most in number like the face, scalp, back, chest, neck, shoulders and upper arms. Some of the factors that can make Acne condition worse are Hard scrubbing of the skin, Picking or Squeezing at blemishes, Pollution and high humidity, Friction caused by…

How to Treat Acne & Scars?

More than 75% of people have to deal with the problem of acne in their life, especially between the ages of 12-25 years. There are various reasons that cause acne and these can be different in teenagers and adults. With the help of proper medical treatment and surgery, scars caused by acne can be permanently removed. Acne has a number…

What are the benefits of laser hair removal?

Are you tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing? Do you get razor bumps when you get rid of unwanted hair? Are you ready to toss your razor and cancel your next appointment at the waxing salon? If so, you may want to consider laser hair removal.  Unwanted hair is common, and it’s everywhere, but it does not have to stay….

How to eliminate Acne Scar with CO2 Laser?

The acne battle is real. It is what’s leaving you frustrated because many products promise to fix the problem, but none of them are working. But what causes acne? Acne develops when the pores become clogged. You have battled breakouts, and your acne scars are the proof. Some people are more likely to see scars when their acne clears. Regardless…

How Laser Hair Removal works?

Laser hair removal treatment is becoming quite popular these days as it offers permanent and effective solutions from unwanted hair on the body. It is a simple procedure which is done in 6 to 8 sessions and doesn’t have any serious or long lasting side effects. So what are you waiting for? Get rid of that unwanted hair today!  Laser…

How can I Remove Unwanted Hair?

There are several ways to remove unwanted hair. Some of these methods may be complicated, painful, and longer-lasting than other options. With so much misinformation available about these options, it can’t be easy to know which one is best for you. To help you make a well-versed decision, here are the basic facts that GLOJAS dermatologists share with their patients…