Are you the right candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck or abdominoplasty is another popular cosmetic surgery procedure done to reshape and give a trim look to your tummy. People often wish to get away with the abdominal bulge to get a well-toned flat abdomen. This has been made easier with procedures like tummy tuck GLOJAS.

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It is often seen that a protruding tummy can give an awkward look to the whole body. It does not matter how much you exercise or what food you eat, the bulge would not go away. This can often happen in individuals due to the process of aging, pregnancy, heredity, weight issues, or any prior surgeries.

This cosmetic surgery procedure removes excess skin and fat, tightens the muscles, and removes stretch marks. A Tummy Tuck is designed to firm and smooth the abdomen. The result of a Tummy Tuck in GLOJAS is a flatter, tighter abdominal profile.

 Who can perform Tummy Tuck? 

A Tummy Tuck is best-suited for men or women who are in good medical condition but are troubled by a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise and cannot be corrected with liposuction alone. Women who have experienced significant stretching of abdominal skin from multiple pregnancies are frequently good candidates and will benefit from a Tummy Tuck. A Tummy Tuck can also tighten the abdominal muscles that have been separated or weakened by pregnancy thereby narrowing the waistline.

In other instances, substantial weight loss may cause the abdominal skin to become flabby. Significant stretch marks in the abdominal skin are a telltale sign that the skin has stretched beyond its capacity to retract. In these cases, liposuction alone will not treat the problem. The excess skin and fat must be surgically removed. Tummy Tuck is frequently combined with liposuction to improve the overall sculpted appearance of the abdomen.

Woman often find that a tummy tuck is a life-transforming procedure. The patients regain their tight tummy and nice waistline. They describe fitting comfortably into clothes that they have not been able to wear for years. Most women describe coming down several clothing sizes following the procedure.

The ideal candidate is one who is in relatively good shape who has a degree of fat or skin that will not respond to diet and exercise. For those who have lost a large amount of weight it is important for your weight to stabilize prior to the procedure. Women who plan on future pregnancies should wait although some options may be available.

Tummy tuck GLOJAS is quite popular among women and seems to be in fashion due to its least post- operative complications. Yet, it is always advised to know the pros and cons before going ahead as the risks and complications can differ from individual to individual. While undergoing GLOJAS tummy tuck; it is necessary to take expert physicians’ advice.