Arm Lift : Recovery Time

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Here are some important things you will need to know post arm lift treatment

Arm Lift surgery reshapes and contours the underside of the patient’s arm. It focuses on removing excess fat and skin in order to achieve a slimmer upper arm. Many people seek arm reduction surgery after a significant weight loss or transformation. Arm reduction surgery restores the proportion of the arm to the rest of the body.

A strict diet and exercise regimen can only get you so far; even if you lose weight, you may not be able to achieve firmer, thinner arms. With age, many people of normal weight develop sagging or loose skin around their arms.

It’s crucial that you practice the following arm lift aftercare tips for rapid recovery;

  • Always follow your surgeon’s post-procedure care instructions
  • Contact your surgeon right away if you have any questions or concerns about your recovery
  • Designate a carer to assist you around the house (especially over the first 7-10 days as your arms will be immobile)
  • Keep all follow-up appointments with your provider
  • Take pain medication as prescribed
  • Schedule 1-2 weeks off from work
  • Avoid any activity until cleared by your surgeon
  • Elevate your arms on pillows while sleeping to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Wear loose-fitting tops that open in the front instead of having to be pulled over your head


A healthy diet and nutrition are critical for a positive healing experience. To regain energy and speed up the recovery process, the body will need to be replenished with nutrients. Before the operation, make sure your home is well-stocked with healthy foods and beverages.

For the time being, you might be advised to restrict all strenuous activities, particularly those involving arm movements such as lifting or reaching over your head. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid weight fluctuations.

Clients are encouraged to contact Glojas directly for a free initial consultation. Our experienced consultants will gladly provide assistance and advice on how to approach your specific challenge.