Is a Hair Transplant Results Really Permanent?

Hair loss patients are usually worried because of severe hair thinning and gradually developed bald areas in the scalp. Hair thinning or bald areas in the scalp are common signs of male pattern baldness if you observe baldness in the forehead area at the initial stage. Male pattern baldness is a genetic problem and you have to face it if…

Seeking Hair Loss Treatment?

You may be troubled by that thinning hair line. You may be alarmed by the number of hair you lose each day. You may be having a difficult time going out to spend your day with co-workers and friends because you are ashamed of how your hair looks now. Trouble is, you are not that ready yet to fight your…

What Causes Baldness in Women?

For many women the idea of losing their hair is a scary thought. We all know the saying “beauty is skin deep” and “you can’t judge a book by its cover”. Obviously the people who came up with these sayings were not women. Over the years a woman’s hair has been a distinct part of her beauty and charm. So…

What to do before selecting a Hair transplant Specialist?

A man who receives a hair transplant undergoes a surgical procedure. The selection of a hair transplant specialist should not proceed in a hasty and haphazard manner. The selection of such a specialist should follow a careful examination of what a number of different specialists have to offer. The man in need of a hair transplant should seek out an…

Are Hair Transplants Permanent?

Hair loss patients are usually worried because of severe hair thinning and gradually developed bald areas in the scalp. Hair thinning or bald areas in the scalp are common signs of male pattern baldness if you observe baldness in the forehead area at the initial stage. Male pattern baldness is a genetic problem and you have to face it if…

How to Avoid Risks in Hair Transplant?

They are really almost just nothing like the regular hair transplant surgical procedure. In this type of technique actual cutting from the scalp is made to transfer the hair in one spot to another. So you need to stick to some basic instructions to make sure that you’re not at any risk while undergoing hair transplant treatment. The first step…

Can Hair Transplant Solve Problems?

Hair loss is a normal sign of hair growth since hair grows and falls following a hair growth cycle. However, if this cycle of growth is disturbed, hair loss can be extremely severe and may result in complete baldness of the scalp.  Sometimes, genetics also play its part to make the scalp bald and this condition is called male pattern…

Do I Need a Hair Transplant?

With advancement in the medical field, hair transplant surgery has become quite common these days. For so many people hair loss is such a big problem, but with hair transplant they can get their hair back. Undergoing a hair transplant surgery might be a big decision in your life and it should be considered out of impulse. Various aspects may…

How to Overcome Your Dental Fears?

If you break out in a sweat even thinking of going to the dentist you’re not alone. ¼ adults are afraid of going to the dentist. But don’t let fear of the dentist stop you from getting regular dental check-ups or proper dental treatment. Read on to find out more about how advances in dental medicine are making trips to…

How to Practice Good Oral Hygiene?

Proper oral hygiene is often taught when we are children, with emphasis on the importance of brushing and flossing to keep plaque and bacteria away. Although the risk factors for gum disease vary, including smoking, medication, genetics, chronic diseases, and even stress, the number one risk factor is poor oral hygiene. Many of us may feel that gum disease is…