Things To Know Before Getting A Butt Lift

It’s no surprise that as we age, our skin loses elasticity and begins to sag and our buttocks get their fair share as well. Even while beauty standards differ from society to society, when it comes to the contour of the butt, everyone agrees: full, round, and raised is considered the “perfect” bum.   Having a flat or very large…

Ultimate Guide To Beard Transplant Procedure

For many men, growing a beard is more complicated than avoiding razors and letting nature take its course. Stubble does not always grow evenly on the face, resulting in patchy facial hair rather than a fashionable beard. Beard creates the illusion of a slimmer, more sculpted face by emphasizing the cheekbones and defining the jawline. If you inherit genes that…

What Causes Gum Disease?

Many adults as well as young children suffer from Gum Disease. Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease resulting in damages to the teeth. The disease can be slowed, prevented or severe, it all boils down to a fact whether you care or not for the oral hygiene. Symptoms Bad breath Red or swollen gums Tender or…

Why should you go for Teeth Whitening?

Yellow teeth are not only unhygienic but also unattractive to look at. Sometimes, despite regular maintenance and care, you cannot get rid of your yellow teeth. Do not be shocked if your teeth turn out to be yellow and stained even though you brush and floss daily and visit your dentist quite regularly. The yellow stain and discoloration can be…

How to avoid emergency dental checkups?

There is a saying that one should visit a dental doctor for every three months to maintain oral hygiene. But that is all in the past, experts now say that small tips in our lifestyle can make a big difference in our dental routine. Here are dental tips to avoid any emergency dental appointments.  Don’t Brush (right away) You have…

Can Gap Between Teeth Restored?

Preventing all spacing is tough despite the best dental practices. Perfecting the gum health routine is critical in regulating dental spacing problems. Regular flossing and brushing will help the people avoid periodontal problems and loss of bone.  The first thing you need to do is be evaluated by a dentist to discover why the gap occurred. GLOJAS Dental is one…

Can I use Hair Products after a Hair Transplant?

Permanent hair loss treatment is possible with the help of hair transplant surgery. In this procedure, healthy and baldness-resistant hairs are transferred from one area to the recipient area. The donor area usually includes the back and sides of the patient’s head since only this region grows baldness-resistant hairs. The results after treatment are permanent if you have selected a…

How to Get the Best Hair Transplant Results?

Hair transplant is an excellent surgery to deal with hair loss. It is one the most popular and successful treatments for baldness. This cosmetic surgical procedure is most preferred to treat baldness throughout the world. Millions of people have permanently solved their problem by choosing a hair transplant. Human race has been facing the acute hair loss problem for their…

Have You Diagnosed the Health of Hair?

You are fortunate if you are not facing hair loss that is a serious scalp problem. Due to the fear of genetic hair loss, many people feel worried since they want to ensure good health for their hair. If you are facing mild hair loss and looking for a hair clinic, you have to check the health of your hair…

Is PRP Beneficial for Hair loss?

Surely, PRP hair loss treatment is an effective treatment for most forms of hair loss. However, if you do not follow a healthy and supportive lifestyle, hair loss may come back. The final effects of PRP depend on the candidacy of the patients as well. All patients are different and their hair loss reasons are different as well. Thus, the…