What should I keep in mind before Laser Hair Removal?

For the past few years, laser hair removal has been the gold standard in de-fuzzifying beauty methods, with the potential to end a lifetime of annoying tweezing, waxing and shaving practices. But considering the cost and long-term commitment, it’s not an easy decision to make lightly. Keep the following tips in mind before your first laser hair removal deal.  …

How Does the CO2 Laser Work?

The CO2 laser was invented in 1964 by Kumar Patel at Bell Labs in the United States. It was soon adopted by plastic surgeons around the world as the best form of treatment for skin resurfacing including at GLOJAS. Over the years, the CO2 laser has become the fountain of youth for thousands of people. Who can perform the CO2…

How to Remove Acne Scars?

Majority of people have to deal with the acne problem at some point in their life. Scars left by acne make the situation worse. With development in the cosmetic surgery industry, there are various types of treatments available nowadays which can remove the scars permanently. Acne scars are like double trouble or punishment. First the pimples affect your beauty and…

Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

First of all, root canal treatment is recommended for patients to alleviate their dental pain. Many people fear to undergo root canal treatment, thinking that it may cause them pain, discomfort, and other challenges. We at GLOJAS Dental believe that root canal treatment is the most misunderstood dental procedure. When performed under expert supervision, it can restore your teeth appearance,…

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

The latest advancements in dental technology can dramatically enhance one’s smile and oral health. All you need to know is which treatment can best cater to your smile preferences. One of the most brilliant advancements is dental implants.  Missing teeth or a crooked smile can severely impact your confidence while talking, laughing, and also is the source of many dental…

What to Expect When Visiting a Dentist?

Are you having difficulty expressing yourself or smiling at people especially in public places due to teeth discoloration? Not to worry, a cosmetic dentist does not only improve your smiles but will also help boost your confidence. There are many reasons for visiting a dentist. Maybe you want a teeth whitening treatment. Or probably it could be something to do…

What are the Factors that Affect Dental Implant Costs?

If you are considering dental implants, one of your main concerns is probably the cost. You might be wondering why dental implants are more expensive than other tooth replacement options and how you can afford them. Let’s take a look at the factors that affect the costs of dental implants. There are a number of factors that will affect the…

How Laser Hair Removal works?

Laser hair removal treatment is becoming quite popular these days as it offers permanent and effective solutions from unwanted hair on the body. It is a simple procedure which is done in 6 to 8 sessions and doesn’t have any serious or long lasting side effects. So what are you waiting for? Get rid of that unwanted hair today!  Laser…

Don’t Skip These Pre-Wedding Skin Treatments

Brides-to-be are always finding ways to help them feel and look their best on their big day. For many people who are getting ready for their big day, contacting Glojas for a consultation is a terrific start to look your best before the big day. We provide a variety of treatments that are ideal for adding that extra piece of…

Are The Results Of Penile Fat Transfer Procedure Permanent?

You may wonder if the results of a penile fat transfer a permanent solution. Well, keep reading to find out.   But first, what’s a penile fat transfer? A penile fat transfer is a minimally invasive procedure is used to enhance the penile size. In this cosmetic procedure, fat cells are purified and disseminated throughout the penile shaft after being…