What Should I Know about Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is easy, and effortless method to get rid of stained and discolored teeth. Imperfect teeth are detrimental to one’s confidence and can adversely affect not only your personal life but also your professional one. Despite maintaining a regular and effective dental regime, your teeth can remain yellow and flawed. It can restrict you from smiling only and can…

Is Dental Scaling Important?

Dental scaling, cleaning and root planing is the safe removal of plaque and calculus from the teeth and below the gums. When plaque is allowed to remain of the surfaces of the teeth and gum line, it can cause irritation, swelling, and gingivitis. Scaling effectively removes plaque, bacteria and debris from the areas that your toothbrush and floss aren’t capable…

7 Crucial Factors of Female Hair Loss

Androgentic alopecia (hereditary hair loss) is the main cause of female pattern hair loss. It contributes to a slow decrease in scalp hair density. When testosterone turns into DHT, it has a miniaturizing effect on hair follicles that causes thinning and eventually hair loss. Also, low levels of estrogen and progesterone can be the cause. Hair Loss caused by Vitamin…

Top Level Scalp Micropigmentation

A Natural Look If you are buying a solution to hair loss, you desire an approach that seems completely natural. This really is one reason scalp micropigmentation is a much better alternative than hairpieces. It blends so perfectly together with your personal hair color that no one will know it is not your own hair. From your own workdays to…

Realistic SMP, Scalp Micropigmentation

Hair loss is a common condition that can happen to men and women of today’s time due to several reasons. Even though a transplant surgery seems to be the best solution to the problem, the eligibility criteria of the same are based on several factors. While not many are eligible due to factors such as the dearth of donor hair,…

4 Reasons Why Scalp Micropigmentation Is Ideal Solution

Are you suffering from alopecia or having baldness? Having increased hair loss? Scalp micropigmentation at GLOJAS offers you the remedy of hair loss. It is completely harmless and performed by a special team of experts equipped with the latest technologies of special needles and ink. It performs evenly irrespective of gender, color, age or skin. The team first analyzes perfectly…

Is Androgenetic Alopecia Normal?

The hair grows just about 1 cm per month and an estimate of 90% hair on your scalp is growing anytime. Moreover, about 10% of the hair is in its resting phase and after a span of 2 or 3 months, the resting hair will fall and another new hair will take its place. This process is normal, however if…

What is Androgenetic Alopecia hair loss?

Perhaps you have noticed that you are losing more hair than usual when combing or brushing your hair or you may have noticed that you are seeing more of your scalp when you look in the mirror. If this is the case, you are probably having some form of hair loss. Anyone-adult males and females and even children can suffer…

What are the solutions for Androgenetic alopecia?

As one ages, hair fall becomes more or less inevitable, but there are certain remedies and treatments that can help slow down the process. Before deciding on any one treatment at random, it is better to learn about some promising treatment options and remedies. You must see a dermatologist or the best skin specialist to get a better idea.  Androgenetic…

Hair Loss known as Alopecia

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes sudden hair loss, especially on the scalp, but it can also happen on the eyebrows, beard or even another area of the body. It usually happens at an early age and is common in both men and women. Sometimes itching can occur along with hair loss, but usually there are no other…