A Proven Procedure for Successful Hair Transplant

Hair Transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to transfer hair from a donor area to a bald area. The donor area is generally the back and side of the scalp, this area is generally resistant to the effects of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). Hair transplantation is a permanent solution to baldness. Hair Transplantation is an economical solution to treat hair loss….

What is the Timeline for Hair Transplants to Grow?

When individuals decide to have hair transplants to try and alleviate the effects of hair loss, they often weigh up the financial cost versus the effect that losing their hair has had on their mental health. However, all too often those same individuals that have deliberated over whether to get hair transplants or not neglect to consider what will happen…

Are Hair Transplants Permanent?

Hair loss patients are usually worried because of severe hair thinning and gradually developed bald areas in the scalp. Hair thinning or bald areas in the scalp are common signs of male pattern baldness if you observe baldness in the forehead area at the initial stage. Male pattern baldness is a genetic problem and you have to face it if…

How to Practice Good Oral Hygiene?

Proper oral hygiene is often taught when we are children, with emphasis on the importance of brushing and flossing to keep plaque and bacteria away. Although the risk factors for gum disease vary, including smoking, medication, genetics, chronic diseases, and even stress, the number one risk factor is poor oral hygiene. Many of us may feel that gum disease is…

How to take care of Teeth?

Brushing may seem like the most obvious way to have good oral hygiene because it is the most important thing one can do to keep one’s teeth and gums healthy. Brushing gets rid of plaque, which if left in the mouth can lead to dental problems. Brushing should be done at least twice a day, and it is even better…

How to take care of your Child’s Teeth?

How cute the toothless smile!! It is a priceless expression for any parent to see their infant smiling. Those tiny teeth may be temporary, but they are no less important to take care of them.Baby teeth hygiene is not only important for their oral health but also for overall health and development. Primary teeth are hidden behind the jaws at…

What Causes Gum Disease?

Many adults as well as young children suffer from Gum Disease. Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease resulting in damages to the teeth. The disease can be slowed, prevented or severe, it all boils down to a fact whether you care or not for the oral hygiene. Symptoms Bad breath Red or swollen gums Tender or…

Why is it Important for Dental Care after Dental Implant?

If you are one of the many who have selected dental implant surgery to replace missing or failing teeth, or removable dentures that only seem to cause pain and embarrassment, you’ve definitely made the right choice!  Over the past twenty years, researchers have begun to understand the benefits, as well as the superiority of dental implants over traditional dentistry. Unlike…

What to Expect When Visiting a Dentist?

Are you having difficulty expressing yourself or smiling at people especially in public places due to teeth discoloration? Not to worry, a cosmetic dentist does not only improve your smiles but will also help boost your confidence. There are many reasons for visiting a dentist. Maybe you want a teeth whitening treatment. Or probably it could be something to do…

Why Choose GLOJAS Dental?

GLOJAS Dental Clinic is specialized in Aesthetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening, Dental implant, Orthodontic and Endodontic Therapy as well as Dental Surgery in Malaysia. Our skilled and experienced staff of dentists is able to handle any type of dental care from orthodontics and implants to pediatric dental care and dental emergencies. GLOJAS Dental Clinic is a leading multi-specialty dental clinic where…