How Plastic Surgery Improves Overall Health?

Plastic surgery is often opted by individuals for a variety of reasons. Some people want an accident or deformity fixed. Everyone wants to appear as wonderful as they feel, yet some people just want to age gracefully. The fundamental goal of plastic surgery, which is also thought to be its main advantage, is to enhance one’s appearance. However, one of…

How Long Can Plastic Surgery Results Last?

Even the results of cosmetic surgery don’t stay forever. While having surgery may produce benefits that last longer than non-surgical aesthetic procedures, most plastic surgery operations still have a shelf life that can last anywhere from a few years to more than ten years.   The simple answer is it depends—upon the patient and the specific procedure they have in…

How to Stop Painful Dental Infection?

Tooth infection leads to a host of medical problems if left untreated by the people. Taking the right precaution is the way forward for all oral hygiene issues. Dental infection is still prevalent despite rapid advances in dental hygiene.  Often, we believe that dental infections are restricted to the mouth but we are quite off the mark here. We are…

What are the Benefits of a Root Canal?

When you go to a dentist with infected enamel, it’s far up to the dentist to ensure that he saves your tooth at any cost possible. This becomes their number one aim and a root canal therapy ought to assist the dentist to prevent enamel extraction. This method is typically meant to treat the decayed enamel. There are such a…

How to Restore Your Natural Smile?

Regardless of how advanced or safe a dental procedure is, it all depends on the expertise and experience of the Dental Surgeon to bring out the desired results. What could be more awkward than a situation where you want to laugh your heart out but refrain from doing so because of your teeth? Yes, it’s awkward and embarrassing but more…

What is the Root Canal Treatment Aftercare Guide?

Dental Care is coming leaps and bounds in the years and is making great progress in dental health across the world. With increasingly chaotic lifestyle decisions influencing the people, dental care is often impacted by poor choices. Teeth often bores the brunt of bad dental hygiene and care. When teeth become infected, one has no option but to invoke the…

Should I Go For Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery training encompasses a wide range of procedures designed to restore the body’s normal appearance and function, whereas cosmetic surgery training is solely focused on aesthetic procedures. You may be wondering how cosmetic surgery differs from plastic surgery. So let’s dive right into it. WHAT IS COSMETIC SURGERY? Cosmetic surgery procedures, techniques, and principles are entirely focused on improving…

Apa Itu Rawatan Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel adalah rawatan pemulihan semula kulit di mana larutan kimia digunakan pada kulit untuk membuang sel kulit mati dan pigmen (melanin) yang terkumpul dari permukaan kulit untuk mempercepatkan pembaharuan sel. Selain itu, rawatan ini membantu merangsang pertumbuhan semula kolagen untuk kulit yang lebih sihat. Rawatan chemical peel akan menjadikan kulit anda lebih licin, sihat dan lebih berseri. Pakar doktor…

4 Reasons Why Scalp Micropigmentation Is Ideal Solution

Are you suffering from alopecia or having baldness? Having increased hair loss? Scalp micropigmentation at GLOJAS offers you the remedy of hair loss. It is completely harmless and performed by a special team of experts equipped with the latest technologies of special needles and ink. It performs evenly irrespective of gender, color, age or skin. The team first analyzes perfectly…

Realistic SMP, Scalp Micropigmentation

Hair loss is a common condition that can happen to men and women of today’s time due to several reasons. Even though a transplant surgery seems to be the best solution to the problem, the eligibility criteria of the same are based on several factors. While not many are eligible due to factors such as the dearth of donor hair,…