What can make Acne worse?

Acne is quite prevalent skin disorder among teenagers. Usually Acne develops in skin areas where sebaceous glands are most in number like the face, scalp, back, chest, neck, shoulders and upper arms. Some of the factors that can make Acne condition worse are Hard scrubbing of the skin, Picking or Squeezing at blemishes, Pollution and high humidity, Friction caused by…

How to Treat Acne & Scars?

More than 75% of people have to deal with the problem of acne in their life, especially between the ages of 12-25 years. There are various reasons that cause acne and these can be different in teenagers and adults. With the help of proper medical treatment and surgery, scars caused by acne can be permanently removed. Acne has a number…

How Does Dimple Add Attraction to Face?

By having dimple creation surgery, you can amazingly enhance your beauty. In Malaysia and even in the rest of the world, dimples are a symbol of beauty and attraction. It’s a cosmetic surgery which is done on an outpatient basis. Find the best dimple plastic surgeon at GLOJAS who can deliver desired results. A natural looking and cute dimples can…

Wanting Dimples?

Dimple creation surgery is quite an easy cosmetic surgical procedure to get a dimple either in the cheeks or chin. It is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis for people who have always desired for a dimple on their faces. Find a renowned cosmetic surgery clinic to get dimples on your cheeks. Dimples occur naturally on both sides…

What is Dimple Creation Surgery?

A cosmetic surgery aimed at creating dimples is known as dimple creation surgery. It’s mostly done for people who are willing to enhance their appearance and beauty. Genetics are responsible for giving dimples naturally in some people, so by opting for surgery others can also have the look they want. With help of dimple creation surgery, naturally looking dimples can…

What needs to be considered before Dimple Creation?

Dimple surgery is a medical procedure in which a dimple is made by the surgeon to increase the beauty of a person’s face. There are a number of points which you need to consider before opting for the cosmetic dimple surgery. It is a safe process and you get a permanent dimple on your cheeks. Majority of people around you…

7 Crucial Factors of Female Hair Loss

Androgentic alopecia (hereditary hair loss) is the main cause of female pattern hair loss. It contributes to a slow decrease in scalp hair density. When testosterone turns into DHT, it has a miniaturizing effect on hair follicles that causes thinning and eventually hair loss. Also, low levels of estrogen and progesterone can be the cause. Hair Loss caused by Vitamin…

7 Reasons That Can Lead Hair Loss

Hair loss is part of the normal hair growth cycle. Studies claim that shedding up to 100 hairs per day is normal. But if you see a lot of hair in the comb after you brush it, this can be a worrying sign because Hair Loss is quite common among men and women, with the former more prone to this…

Are Hair Loss Temporary or Permanent?

Some problems of hair loss are temporary, while some are permanent. The hair loss problem is not uncommon. Most of the men and women are known to suffer from the problem. Earlier, the problem was relatively small. However, in the recent past, it has been known to affect both men and women. Over and above, an increasing number of youngsters…

Are There a Number Of Hairs In Your Brush Or Comb?

When you comb your hair, are there a number of hairs in your brush or comb? If so, you can consider this as normal. Everyone loses their hair on a daily basis. It can mean the loss of 100 hairs or more each day. If, however, the loss gets more extensive, there is the possibility that you have a problem….