How to Restore Your Natural Smile?

egardless of how advanced or safe a dental procedure is, it all depends on the expertise and experience of the Dental Surgeon to bring out the desired results. What could be more awkward than a situation where you want to laugh your heart out but refrain from doing so because of your teeth? Yes, it’s awkward and embarrassing but more…

How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity?

Have you recently sipped your coffee or ate a scoop of ice cream and felt a painful sensation  in your teeth? If yes, you are exposed to teeth sensitivity. Pain caused due to hot and cold beverages is a sign of a tooth cavity and should be addressed with proper medical intervention. GLOJAS Dental Clinic has the nation’s most excellent…

How to Stop Painful Dental Infection?

Tooth infection leads to a host of medical problems if left untreated by the people. Taking the right precaution is the way forward for all oral hygiene issues. Dental infection is still prevalent despite rapid advances in dental hygiene.  Often, we believe that dental infections are restricted to the mouth but we are quite off the mark here. We are…

Dentures or Dental Implants?

Missing teeth never go missing from everyone’s sight. It creates a huge impact on our health and increases the risk of various health conditions such as periodontitis, gingivitis, weakened gums, and low immune system. Also, missing teeth can cause difficulty in eating and speaking clearly.  Dental implants and cosmetic dentures treatment are the solutions to restore your missing teeth and…

How to keep anti-aging skin?

You might be surprised that the harmless habits could be aging you because what you do to your skin will have ramifications as you age. With time, everyone gets visible lines on our face. You notice that your skin is becoming thinner and drier as the levels of collagen and elastin changes. More so, with every day that goes by,…

What is the Best Solution for Wrinkles?

Are you planning to get treatment to smooth out wrinkles on your face? Consider Botox! The main things that you need to consider are your safety, the expertise of the surgeon, cost and chemicals used in the procedure. Ensure that the clinic that you choose for treatment is fully registered and famous for delivering favorable results. GLOJAS clinic ensures that…

Is Chemical Peel Treatment a Right Choice for You?

With ever evolving technology and development in scientific fields, many options are now available to achieve youthful glow for your skin. From plastic surgical procedures to simple chemical peel or skin peel treatment, now you have various options to remove wrinkles and get rid of those old, dead skin cells. Skin rejuvenation helps to boost morale and lift your spirits. …

Why should you choose laser hair removal? 

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic surgery process done by surgeons for removing unwanted hair from various parts of a body. The procedure is becoming quite popular nowadays as it delivers almost permanent and long lasting results. Highly concentrated beams of lights are used in this process and these are designed to penetrate into the hair follicles selectively.  The light…

Can I lose weight without surgery?

Have the visible signs of aging begun to show up in your life and impact the reflection you see? Have years filled with cherished emotions and frequent expressions begun to leave their marks? Is your skin losing the firm tone, texture, and youthful appearance you’ve known and loved? Well thanks to many recent advancements in non-invasive cosmetic medicine, you now…

What is the quickest way to lose fats?

Liposuction is a safe and quick method of getting rid of unwanted body fat. Different patients give different responses to this cosmetic procedure. Expertise of the surgeon matters a lot in the expected results.   Liposuction at GLOJAS offers world class surgery for liposuction.The success rate and procedure can be discussed in detail during consultation. Liposuction is surgical removal of excess…