Apakah Fungsi Dan Kelebihan Saxenda?

Saxenda adalah nama jenama untuk ubat suntikan yang dipanggil liraglutide. Ia adalah ubat penurunan berat badan yang sangat berkesan selain penjagaan diet dan senaman. Liraglutide tergolong dalam kumpulan ubat yang dipanggil agonis reseptor peptida glukagon-1 (agonis reseptor GLP-1), juga dipanggil mimetik incretin. Saxenda sangat mirip dengan GLP-1, hormon semulajadi yang dikeluarkan sebagai tindak balas kepada pengambilan makanan yang mengawal selera…

Apa Itu Rawatan Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel adalah rawatan pemulihan semula kulit di mana larutan kimia digunakan pada kulit untuk membuang sel kulit mati dan pigmen (melanin) yang terkumpul dari permukaan kulit untuk mempercepatkan pembaharuan sel. Selain itu, rawatan ini membantu merangsang pertumbuhan semula kolagen untuk kulit yang lebih sihat. Rawatan chemical peel akan menjadikan kulit anda lebih licin, sihat dan lebih berseri. Pakar doktor…

Kenapa Mulut Saya Berbau? – Dental

Nafas yang berbau, juga dikenali sebagai Halitosis, menjadi penghalang dalam perhubungan sosial dan boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu mempunyai rasa rendah diri. Nafas atau mulut yang berbau boleh berlaku kepada sesiapa sahaja, terutamanya selepas bangun tidur atau selepas mengambil makanan atau minuman yang berbau. Punca Halitosis berlaku adalah akibat tindak balas bakteria dengan makanan yang tertinggal di dalam mulut. Mulut berbau…

How Plastic Surgery Improves Overall Health?

Plastic surgery is often opted by individuals for a variety of reasons. Some people want an accident or deformity fixed. Everyone wants to appear as wonderful as they feel, yet some people just want to age gracefully. The fundamental goal of plastic surgery, which is also thought to be its main advantage, is to enhance one’s appearance. However, one of…

Should I Go For Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery training encompasses a wide range of procedures designed to restore the body’s normal appearance and function, whereas cosmetic surgery training is solely focused on aesthetic procedures. You may be wondering how cosmetic surgery differs from plastic surgery. So let’s dive right into it. WHAT IS COSMETIC SURGERY? Cosmetic surgery procedures, techniques, and principles are entirely focused on improving…

What Should I Do Before a Hair Transplant?

There are a few steps and precautions that you need to take before hair transplantation. You should visit a hair transplant surgeon to get high quality results from this surgical procedure. Do not get confused by comparing this procedure with less invasive procedures such as laser hair transplant or other similar treatments. Hair transplant surgery is way on top and…

What is the right age to get a hair transplant?

Hair loss is a common health issue and both men and women are victims of this disease. According to experts, a lot of men and women are observed with signs of hair loss. Permanent hair loss or genetic baldness is the most common type of baldness and a hair transplant is the most common treatment for this scalp issue. Genetic…

What Is a Hair Transplant?

Like great well being and youth, the greater part of us underestimate our locks, that is, until they’re gone. For some individuals, a hair transplant can help bring back what resembles a full or possibly a more full head of hair. In the event that diminishing up top or going bare truly annoys you, the methodology can be one approach…

Are you Choosing the Right Dentist?

Today more than ever, finding the right cosmetic dentist is essential and should be done with utmost care. So how do you know a professional dentist? There are lots of general dentists offering at least some types of cosmetic dentistry service. In recent years, the number of dentists has increased dramatically. This is because any general dentists who can perform…

Kenapa Rambut saya bertompok? – Kenali Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata adalah penyakit yang berlaku apabila sistem imun menyerang folikel rambut dan menyebabkan keguguran rambut. Walaupun rambut boleh hilang dari mana-mana bahagian badan, Alopecia Areata biasanya menjejaskan kepala dan muka. Rambut biasanya gugur dalam tompok kecil, tetapi dalam beberapa kes, keguguran rambut boleh jadi lebih teruk. Kebanyakan orang yang alami penyakit ini sihat dan tidak mempunyai simptom lain. Proses…